Free Budgeting Apps: Your Guide to Financial Management

Managing finances can be tricky, especially when you have a lot of expenses to keep track of. With the rise of technology, budgeting apps have become popular among people who want to keep their finances in check. These apps offer a range of features that can help you track your income and expenses, set budgets, and manage your money better.

While there are many budgeting apps available, not all of them are free. In this post, we will discuss the best free budgeting apps that you can use to manage your finances effectively.

The Criteria for Choosing Free Budgeting Apps

Before we dive into the list of free budgeting apps, it’s important to understand the criteria we used to choose them. The following factors were taken into consideration:

  • Accessibility: The app should be available on both Android and iOS platforms
  • User Interface: The app should be easy to use and navigate
  • Features: The app should have a range of features that can help users manage their finances effectively
  • Security: The app should be secure and protect users’ financial data

1. Mint

Mint is a popular budgeting app that offers a range of features to help you manage your finances. It allows you to connect all your bank accounts, credit cards, and investment accounts in one place, making it easy to track your spending and income. Mint also provides personalized budgeting advice based on your spending habits and financial goals.

Mint’s user interface is easy to navigate, and the app is available for both Android and iOS devices. It also uses bank-level encryption to protect your financial data.

One of the drawbacks of Mint is that it can be overwhelming for some users, especially those who are new to budgeting. The app also displays ads, which can be annoying for some users.

2. Personal Capital

Personal Capital is another popular budgeting app that offers a range of features to help you manage your finances. It allows you to track your net worth, investments, and retirement accounts, in addition to your income and expenses. Personal Capital also provides personalized investment advice based on your financial goals.

The app is available for both Android and iOS devices, and its user interface is easy to navigate. Personal Capital also uses bank-level encryption to protect your financial data.

One of the drawbacks of Personal Capital is that it is focused more on investments than budgeting. The app also displays ads, which can be annoying for some users.

3. PocketGuard

PocketGuard is a budgeting app that focuses on helping you save money. It allows you to connect all your bank accounts, credit cards, and loans in one place, making it easy to track your spending and income. PocketGuard also provides personalized budgeting advice based on your spending habits and financial goals.

The app is available for both Android and iOS devices, and its user interface is easy to navigate. PocketGuard also uses bank-level encryption to protect your financial data.

One of the drawbacks of PocketGuard is that it does not offer as many features as some other budgeting apps. The app also displays ads, which can be annoying for some users.

4. Wally

Wally is a budgeting app that allows you to track your income and expenses, set budgets, and save money. It also allows you to take photos of your receipts and categorize your expenses automatically. Wally also provides personalized budgeting advice based on your spending habits and financial goals.

The app is available for both Android and iOS devices, and its user interface is easy to navigate. Wally also uses bank-level encryption to protect your financial data.

One of the drawbacks of Wally is that it does not allow you to connect all your bank accounts and credit cards in one place. The app also displays ads, which can be annoying for some users.

5. Clarity Money

Clarity Money is a budgeting app that allows you to track your income and expenses, set budgets, and save money. It also allows you to cancel subscriptions and negotiate bills on your behalf. Clarity Money also provides personalized budgeting advice based on your spending habits and financial goals.

The app is available for both Android and iOS devices, and its user interface is easy to navigate. Clarity Money also uses bank-level encryption to protect your financial data.

One of the drawbacks of Clarity Money is that it does not offer as many features as some other budgeting apps. The app also displays ads, which can be annoying for some users.

6. Goodbudget

Goodbudget is a budgeting app that uses the envelope budgeting method to help you manage your finances. It allows you to create virtual envelopes for different categories, such as groceries, entertainment, and transportation. You can then allocate a certain amount of money to each envelope and track your spending accordingly.

The app is available for both Android and iOS devices, and its user interface is easy to navigate. Goodbudget also uses bank-level encryption to protect your financial data.

One of the drawbacks of Goodbudget is that it can be time-consuming to set up and maintain. The app also displays ads, which can be annoying for some users.

7. EveryDollar

EveryDollar is a budgeting app that is based on the zero-based budgeting method. It allows you to create a budget for each month, allocate your income to different categories, and track your spending accordingly. EveryDollar also provides personalized budgeting advice based on your spending habits and financial goals.

The app is available for both Android and iOS devices, and its user interface is easy to navigate. EveryDollar also uses bank-level encryption to protect your financial data.

One of the drawbacks of EveryDollar is that it does not allow you to connect all your bank accounts and credit cards in one place. The app also displays ads, which can be annoying for some users.

8. Honeydue

Honeydue is a budgeting app that allows you to share your finances with your partner. It allows you to connect all your bank accounts and credit cards in one place, making it easy to track your income and expenses. Honeydue also provides personalized budgeting advice based on your spending habits and financial goals.

The app is available for both Android and iOS devices, and its user interface is easy to navigate. Honeydue also uses bank-level encryption to protect your financial data.

One of the drawbacks of Honeydue is that it is focused more on couples than individuals. The app also displays ads, which can be annoying for some users.


YNAB, short for You Need A Budget, is a budgeting app that uses the zero-based budgeting method to help you manage your finances. It allows you to create a budget for each month, allocate your income to different categories, and track your spending accordingly. YNAB also provides personalized budgeting advice based on your spending habits and financial goals.

The app is available for both Android and iOS devices, and its user interface is easy to navigate. YNAB also uses bank-level encryption to protect your financial data.

One of the drawbacks of YNAB is that it is not free after the 34-day trial period. The app also displays ads, which can be annoying for some users.

10. Albert

Albert is a budgeting app that offers a range of features to help you manage your finances. It allows you to connect all your bank accounts, credit cards, and investment accounts in one place, making it easy to track your spending and income. Albert also provides personalized budgeting advice based on your spending habits and financial goals.

The app is available for both Android and iOS devices, and its user interface is easy to navigate. Albert also uses bank-level encryption to protect your financial data.

One of the drawbacks of Albert is that it is focused more on investments than budgeting. The app also displays ads, which can be annoying for some users.


Choosing the right budgeting app can help you manage your finances effectively and achieve your financial goals. While there are many budgeting apps available, the free apps mentioned in this post offer a range of features that can help you track your income and expenses, set budgets, and manage your money better. When choosing a budgeting app, it’s important to consider factors such as accessibility, user interface, features, and security.

People Also Ask

What is the best free budgeting app?

The best free budgeting app depends on your personal preferences and financial goals. Mint, Personal Capital, PocketGuard, Wally, Clarity Money, Goodbudget, EveryDollar, Honeydue, YNAB, and Albert are some of the best free budgeting apps available.

Is there a completely free budget app?

Yes, there are many completely free budgeting apps available. Mint, PocketGuard, Wally, Clarity Money, Goodbudget, and EveryDollar are some of the best free budgeting apps available.

Is Mint budgeting app really free?

Yes, Mint is a free budgeting app. However, the app displays ads and makes money through referrals to financial products such as credit cards and loans.